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Superlinear gradient system with a parameter


In this paper, we study the multiplicity of nontrivial solutions for a superlinear gradient system with saddle structure at the origin. We make use of a combination of bifurcation theory, topological linking and Morse theory.

MSC:35J10, 35J65, 58E05.

1 Introduction

In this paper, we study the existence of multiple solutions to the gradient system

where Ω R N is a bounded open domain with a smooth boundary Ω and N3, λ is a real parameter and A M 2 (Ω) is fixed. M 2 (Ω) is the set of all continuous, cooperative and symmetric matrix functions on R 2 . A matrix function A M 2 (Ω) takes the form

A(x)=( a ( x ) b ( x ) b ( x ) c ( x ) )

with the functions a,b,cC( Ω ¯ ,R) satisfying the conditions that b(x)0 for all x Ω ¯ , which means A is cooperative and that max x Ω ¯ {a,c}>0.

We impose the following assumptions on the function F:

( F 1 ) F C 2 (Ω× R 2 ,R).

( F 2 ) F(x,0)=0, F(x,0)=0, F z (x,0)=0 for xΩ.

( F 3 ) There is C>0 and 2<p< 2 N N 2 := 2 such that

| F ( x , z ) | C ( 1 + | z | p 1 ) ,for xΩ,z=(u,v) R 2 .

( F 4 ) There is μ>2, M>0 such that

0<μF(x,z) ( F ( x , z ) , z )

for all xΩ, |z|M.

( F 5 ) F z (x,z)>0 for |z|>0 small and xΩ.

( F 6 ) F z (x,z)<0 for |z|>0 small and xΩ.

Here and in the sequel, 0 is used to denote the origin in various spaces, || and (,) denote the norm and the inner product in R 2 , Bz denotes the matrix product in R 2 for a 2×2 matrix B and z=(u,v) R 2 . For two symmetric matrices B and C in R 2 , B>C means that BC is positive definite.

Let E be the Hilbert space H 0 1 (Ω)× H 0 1 (Ω) endowed with the inner product

z,w= ( u , v ) , ( ϕ , ψ ) = Ω (uϕ+vψ)dx,z=(u,v),w=(ϕ,ψ)E

and the associated norm

z 2 = Ω | z | 2 dx= Ω | u | 2 + | v | 2 dx,z=(u,v)E.

By the compact Sobolev embedding E L p (Ω)× L p (Ω) for p[2, 2 ), under the assumptions ( F 1 ) and ( F 3 ), the functional

Φ(z)= 1 2 Ω | z | 2 λ ( A ( x ) z , z ) dx Ω F(x,z)dx,z=(u,v)E

is well defined and is of class C 2 (see [1]) with derivatives

for z=(u,v), w=(ϕ,ψ), z 1 =( u 1 , v 1 ), z 2 =( u 2 , v 2 )E. Therefore, the solutions to (GS) λ are exactly critical points of Φ in E.

By ( F 2 ) the system (GS) λ admits a trivial solution z=0 for any fixed parameter λR. We are interested in finding nontrivial solutions to (GS) λ . The existence of nontrivial solutions of (GS) λ depends on the behaviors of F near zero and infinity. The purpose of this paper is to find multiple nontrivial solutions to (GS) λ with superlinear term when the trivial solution z=0 acts as a local saddle point of the energy functional Φ in the sense that the parameter λ is close to a higher eigenvalue of the linear gradient system with the given weight matrix A

It is known (see [2, 3]) that for a given matrix A M 2 (Ω), ( L A ) admits a sequence of distinct eigenvalues of finite multiplicity

0< λ 1 A < λ 2 A << λ k A <

such that λ k A as k.

Denote by F the negative part of F, i.e., F (x,z)=max{F(x,z),0}.

We will prove the following theorems.

Theorem 1.1 Assume ( F 1 )-( F 4 ), ( F 5 ) and let k1 be fixed. Then there is δ>0 such that when sup ( x , z ) Ω × R 2 F (x,z)δ, for all λ( λ k + 1 A δ, λ k + 1 A ), (GS) λ has at least three nontrivial solutions in E.

Theorem 1.2 Assume ( F 1 )-( F 4 ), ( F 6 ) and let k1 be fixed. Then there is δ>0 such that when sup ( x , z ) Ω × R 2 F (x,z)δ, for all λ( λ k + 1 A , λ k + 1 A +δ), (GS) λ has at least three nontrivial solutions in E.

Theorem 1.3 Assume ( F 1 )-( F 4 ) and F0 for xΩ, z R 2 with |z| small. Then there is δ>0 such that when sup ( x , z ) Ω × R 2 F (x,z)δ, for all λ( λ k + 1 A δ, λ k + 1 A ], (GS) λ has at least two nontrivial solutions in E.

We give some comments and comparisons. The superlinear problems have been studied extensively via variational methods since the pioneering work of Ambrosetti and Rabinowitz [4]. Most known results on elliptic superlinear problems are contributed to a single equation with Dirichlet boundary data. Let us mention some historical progress on a single equation. When the trivial solution 0 acted as a local minimizer of the energy functional, one positive solution and one negative solution were obtained by using the mountain-pass theorem in [4] and the cut-off techniques; and a third solution was constructed in a famous paper of Wang [5] by using a two dimensional linking method and a Morse theoretic approach. When the trivial solution 0 acted as a local saddle point of the energy functional, the existence of one nontrivial solution was obtained by applying a critical point theorem, which is now well known as the generalized mountain-pass theorem, built by Rabinowitz in [6] under a global sign condition (see [1]). Some extensions were done in [7, 8]via local linking. More recently, in the work of Rabinowitz, Su and Wang [9], multiple solutions have been obtained by combining bifurcation methods, Morse theory and homological linking when 0 is a saddle point in the sense that the parameter λ is very close to a higher eigenvalue of the related linear operator.

In the current paper, we build multiplicity results for superlinear gradient systems by applying the ideas constructed in [9]. These results are new since, to the best of our knowledge, no multiplicity results for gradient systems have appeared in the literature for the case that z=0 is a saddle point of Φ.

We give some explanations regarding the conditions and conclusions. The assumptions ( F 1 )-( F 4 ) are standard in the study of superlinear problems. ( F 5 ) and ( F 6 ) are used for bifurcation analysis. It sees that ( F 5 ) implies that F is positive near zero, while ( F 6 ) implies that F must be negative near zero. The local properties of F near zero are necessary for constructing homological linking. When F0, for any parameter λ in a bounded interval, say in [ λ k A , λ k + 1 A ), one can use the same arguments as in [1] to construct linking starting from λ k + 1 A . In our theorems, we do not require the global sign condition F0. When the parameter λ is close to the eigenvalue λ k + 1 A , the homological linking will be constructed starting from λ k + 2 A and this linking is different from the one in [1]. This reveals the fact that when λ is close to λ k + 1 A from the right-hand side, the linking starting from λ k + 2 A can still be constructed even if F is negative somewhere. The conditions similar to ( F 5 ) and ( F 6 ) were first introduced in [10] where multiple periodic solutions for the second-order Hamiltonian systems were studied via the ideas in [9]. Since we treat a different problem in the current paper, we need to present the detailed discussions although some arguments may be similar to those in [9, 10].

The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we collect some basic abstract tools. In Section 3, we get solutions by linking arguments and give partial estimates of homological information. In Section 4, we get solutions by bifurcation theorem and give the estimates of the Morse index. The final proofs of Theorems 1.1-1.3 are given in Section 5.

2 Preliminary

In this section, we give some preliminaries that will be used to prove the main results of the paper. We first collect some basic results on the Morse theory for a C 2 functional defined on a Hilbert space.

Let E be a Hilbert space and Φ C 2 (E,R). Denote K={zE| Φ (z)=0}, Φ c ={zE|Φ(z)c}, K c ={zK|Φ(z)=c} for cR. We say that Φ satisfies the (PS) c condition at the level cR if any sequence { z n }E satisfying Φ( z n )c, Φ ( z n )0 as n, has a convergent subsequence. Φ satisfies (PS) if Φ satisfies (PS) c at any cR.

We assume that Φ satisfies (PS) and #K<. Let z 0 K with Φ( z 0 )=cR and U be a neighborhood of z 0 such that UK={ z 0 }. The group

C q (Φ, z 0 ):= H q ( Φ c U , Φ c U { z 0 } ) ,qZ

is called the q th critical group of Φ at z 0 , where H (A,B) denotes a singular relative homology group of the pair (A,B) with coefficients field F (see [11, 12]).

Let a<infΦ(K). The group

C q (Φ,):= H q ( E , Φ a ) ,qZ

is called the q th critical group of Φ at infinity (see [13]).

We call M q := z K dim C q (Φ,z) the q th Morse-type numbers of the pair (E, Φ a ) and β q :=dim C q (Φ,) the Betti numbers of the pair (E, Φ a ). The core of the Morse theory [11, 12] is the following relations between M q and β q :

If K=, then β q =0 for all q. Since M q β q for each qZ, it follows that if β q 0 for some q Z, then Φ must have a critical point z with C q (Φ, z )0. If K={ z }, then C q (Φ,) C q (Φ, z ) for all q. Thus, if C q (Φ,) C q (Φ, z ) for some q, then Φ must have a new critical point. One can use critical groups to distinguish critical points obtained by other methods and use the Morse equality to find new critical points.

For the critical groups of Φ at an isolated critical point, we have the following basic facts (see [11, 12]).

Proposition 2.1 Assume that z is an isolated critical point of Φ C 2 (E,R) with a finite Morse index m(z) and nullity n(z). Then

  1. (1)

    C q (Φ,z) δ q , m ( z ) F if n(z)=0;

  2. (2)

    C q (Φ,z)0 for q[m(z),m(z)+n(z)] (Gromoll-Meyer [14]);

  3. (3)

    if C m ( z ) (Φ,z)0 then C q (Φ,z) δ q , m ( z ) F;

  4. (4)

    if C m ( z ) + n ( z ) (Φ,z)0 then C q (Φ,z) δ q , m ( z ) + n ( z ) F.

Proposition 2.2 ([15, 16])

Let 0 be an isolated critical point of Φ C 2 (E,R) with a finite Morse index m 0 and nullity n 0 . Assume that Φ has a local linking at 0 with respect to a direct sum decomposition E= E E + , κ=dim E , i.e., there exists r>0 small such that

Φ(z)>0 for z E + ,0<zr,Φ(z)0 for z E ,zr.

Then C q (Φ,0) δ q , κ Z for either κ= m 0 or κ= m 0 + n 0 .

The concept of local linking was introduced in [7]. In [15] a partial result was given for a C 1 functional. The above result was obtained in [16].

Now, we recall an abstract linking theorem which is from [1, 12, 15].

Proposition 2.3 ([1, 12, 15])

Let E be a real Banach space with E=XY and =dimX be finite. Suppose that Φ C 1 (E,R) satisfies (PS) and

( Φ 1 ) there exist ρ>0 and α>0 such that

Φ(z)α,z S ρ =Y B ρ ,

where B ρ ={zE|zρ},

( Φ 2 ) there exist R>ρ>0 and eY with e=1 such that



Q= { z = y + s e | z R , y X , 0 s R } .

Then Φ has a critical point z with Φ( z )= c α and

C + 1 (Φ, z )0.

We note here that under the framework of Proposition 2.3, S ρ and ∂Q homotopically link with respect to the direct sum decomposition E=XY. S ρ and ∂Q are also homologically linked. The conclusion (2.3) follows from Theorems 1.1′ and 1.5 of Chapter II in [12]. (See also [15].)

We finally collect some properties of the eigenvalue problem ( L A ). Associated with a matrix A M 2 (Ω), there is a compact self-adjoint operator T A :EE such that

T A z,w= Ω ( A ( x ) z , w ) dx,z,wE.

The compactness of T A follows from the compact embedding E L 2 (Ω)× L 2 (Ω). The operator T A possesses the property that λ A is an eigenvalue of ( L A ) if and only if there is nonzero zE such that

λ A T A z=z.

( L A ) has the sequence of distinct eigenvalues

0< λ 1 A < λ 2 A << λ k A <,

and each eigenvalue λ A of ( L A ) has a finite multiplicity. For jN, denote

E ( λ j A ) =ker ( Δ λ j A A ) , E j = i = 1 j E ( λ i A ) , j =dim E j .


Q λ (z)= Ω | z | 2 λ ( A ( x ) z , z ) dx,zE.

Then the following variational inequalities hold:

We refer to [2, 3] for more properties related to the eigenvalue problem ( L A ) and the operator T A .

3 Solutions via homological linking

In this section, we give the existence a nontrivial solution of (GS) λ by applying homological linking arguments and then give some estimate of its Morse index. The following lemmas are needed.

Lemma 3.1 Assume that F satisfies ( F 1 )-( F 4 ), then for any fixed λR, the functional Φ satisfies the (PS) condition.

Proof By ( F 3 ) and the compact embedding E L p (Ω)× L p (Ω) for 1p< 2 , it is enough to show that any sequence { z n }E with

| Φ ( z n ) | C,nN, Φ ( z n )0,n

is bounded in E. Here and below, we use C to denote various positive constants. We modify the arguments in [1]. Choosing a positive number β(1/μ,1/2) for n large, we have that

C+β z n Φ( z n )β Φ ( z n ) , z n .

By ( F 4 ) we deduce that

F(x,z)C | z | μ C,for z R 2 ,xΩ.


where Λ= max x Ω ¯ A ( x ) R 2 . By the Hölder inequality and the Young inequality, we get for any ϵ>0 that

z n 2 2 | Ω | μ 2 μ z n μ 2 | Ω | ( μ 2 ) μ ϵ 2 2 μ + 2 μ ϵ z n μ μ .

Thus, for a fixed ϵ>0 small enough, we have by (3.3) that

C+β z n ( 1 2 β ) z n 2 + 1 2 C(μβ1) z n μ μ .

Therefore, { z n } is bounded in E. The proof is complete. □

Now, we construct a homological linking with respect to the direct sum decomposition of E for k1:

E= E k + 1 E k + 1 ,dim E k + 1 = k + 1 .

Take an eigenvector ϕ k + 2 corresponding to the eigenvalue λ k + 2 A of ( L A ) with ϕ k + 2 =1. Set

V k + 1 := E k + 1 span{ ϕ k + 2 }.

Lemma 3.2 Assume that F satisfies ( F 1 )-( F 4 ) and k1. Then there exist constants ρ>0 small, α>0 such that for all λ λ := λ k + 2 A + λ k + 1 A 2 , such that

Φ(z)α, for z E k + 1 with z=ρ.

Proof By the conditions ( F 2 ) and ( F 3 ), for ϵ>0, there is C ϵ >0 such that

F(x,z) 1 2 S 2 ϵ | z | 2 + C ϵ | z | p ,

where S 2 is the constant for the embedding E L 2 (Ω)× L 2 (Ω) such that | z | 2 2 S 2 z 2 for zE. Since for z E k + 1 ,

Q λ (z)= Ω | z | 2 λ ( A ( x ) z , z ) dx λ k + 2 A λ λ k + 2 A z 2 ,

it follows that

Φ ( z ) = 1 2 Q λ ( z ) Ω F ( x , z ) d x 1 2 λ k + 2 A λ λ k + 2 A z 2 1 2 S 2 ϵ Ω | z | 2 d x C ϵ Ω | z | p d x 1 2 λ k + 2 A λ ϵ λ k + 2 A z 2 C ˜ ϵ z p = 1 2 η ( λ , ϵ ) z 2 C ˜ ϵ z p ,

where C ˜ ϵ is independent of λ and

η(λ,ϵ)= λ k + 2 A λ ϵ λ k + 2 A .

Since p>2 and the function g(r)= 1 2 η(λ,ϵ) r 2 C ˜ ϵ r p achieves its maximum

g max = p 2 2 p ( p C ˜ ϵ ) 2 2 p η ( λ , ϵ ) p p 2 :=α(λ,ϵ)

on (0,) at

ρ λ , ϵ = ( η ( λ , ϵ ) p C ˜ ϵ ) 1 p 2 ,

we see that

Φ(z)α(λ,ϵ),for z E k + 1  with z= ρ λ , ϵ .

Since η(λ,ϵ) is a decreasing function with respect to λ for any fixed ϵ>0 small, (3.4) holds for

α:=α( λ , ϵ ),ρ:= ρ λ , ϵ ,here  ϵ = 1 4 ( λ k + 2 A λ k + 1 A ) .

The constants α and ρ are independent of λ λ . The proof is complete. □

Lemma 3.3 Assume that F satisfies ( F 1 ), ( F 4 ) and k1. Then there exist R>0, δ>0 and σR, all independent of λ, such that when λ( λ k + 1 A δ, λ k + 1 A +δ) and sup ( x , z ) Ω × R 2 F (x,z)δ,

Φ(z)σ<α, for zQ,


Q= { z V k + 1 | z R , z = y + s ϕ k + 2 , y E k + 1 , s 0 } .

Proof From ( F 4 ) we deduce (3.2) with a positive constant C independent of λ. For z V k + 1 , write z=y+w+ϕ, y E k , wE( λ k + 1 A ), ϕspan{ ϕ k + 2 }. Assume that λ( λ k A , λ k + 2 A ), then

Φ ( z ) = 1 2 Q λ ( y ) + 1 2 Q λ ( w ) + 1 2 Q λ ( ϕ ) Ω F ( x , z ) d x λ k A λ 2 λ k A y 2 + λ k + 1 A λ 2 λ k + 1 A w 2 + λ k + 2 A λ 2 λ k + 2 A ϕ 2 C z μ μ + C λ k + 2 A λ k A 2 λ k + 1 A z 2 C z μ μ + C .

Since μ>2 and dim V k + 1 <, (3.10) shows that there exists R>0 independent of λ such that

Φ(z)0,for z V k + 1  with z=R.

Now, fix such an R>0 that R>ρ with ρ given in Lemma 3.2. For y E k + 1 with yR, we write y=w+ϕ, w E k , ϕE( λ k + 1 A ). Set Γ:= sup ( x , z ) Ω × R 2 F (x,z). Then we have that

Φ ( y ) = 1 2 Q λ ( w ) + 1 2 Q λ ( ϕ ) Ω F ( x , y ) d x λ k A λ 2 λ k A w 2 + λ k + 1 A λ 2 λ k + 1 A ϕ 2 + { x Ω : F 0 } F ( x , y ) d x | λ k + 1 A λ | 2 λ k + 1 A R 2 + | Ω | Γ .

Since Q={z=y+s ϕ k + 1 |z=R,y E k ,s0}{y E k |yR}, taking

δ= ( R 2 λ k + 1 A + 2 | Ω | ) 1 α,σ= α 2 ,

then, when λ( λ k + 1 A δ, λ k + 1 A +δ) and Γδ,

Φ(z)σ<α,for zQ.

The proof is complete. □

Now, we apply Proposition 2.3 to get the following existence result with partial homological information.

Theorem 3.4 Let F satisfy ( F 1 )-( F 4 ) and k1. Then there is δ>0 such that when Γδ, for each λ( λ k + 1 A δ, λ k + 1 A +δ), (GS) λ has one nontrivial solution z with a critical group satisfying

C k + 1 + 1 ( Φ , z ) 0.

Proof By Lemma 3.1, Φ satisfies (PS). By Lemmas 3.2 and 3.3, for each fixed λ( λ k + 1 δ, λ k + 1 +δ), Φ satisfies ( Φ 1 ) and ( Φ 2 ) in the sense that

{ ( Φ 1 ) : Φ ( z ) α , z S k + 1 : = S ρ E k + 1 ; ( Φ 2 ) : Φ ( y ) σ < α , y Q .

Since S k + 1 and ∂Q homotopically link with respect to the decomposition E= E k + 1 E k + 1 , and dim V k + 1 = k + 1 +1, it follows from Proposition 2.3 that Φ has a critical point z E with positive energy Φ( z )α>0 and its critical group satisfying (3.13). The proof is complete. □

We give some remarks. The existence of one nontrivial solution in Theorem 3.4 is valid when F is of class C 1 . From Lemma 3.2, one sees that the energy of the obtained solution is bounded away from 0 as λ is close to λ k + 1 A . A rough local sign condition on F is needed. If F0, then for any fixed λ[ λ k A , λ k + 1 A ), a linking with respect to E k E k can be constructed. Proposition 2.3 is applied again to get a nontrivial solution z satisfying

C k + 1 (Φ, z )0.

Therefore, when a global sign condition F0 is present, as λ is close to λ k + 1 A from the left-hand side, two linkings can be constructed and two nontrivial solutions can be obtained. The question is how to distinguish z from z . Theorem 3.4 includes the case that for λ close to λ k + 1 A from the right-hand side, the linking with respect to E k + 1 E k + 1 is constructed provided the negative values of F are small. This phenomenon was first observed in [9].

4 Solutions via bifurcation

In this section, we get two solutions for (GS) λ via bifurcation arguments [1]. We first cite the bifurcation theorem in [1].

Proposition 4.1 (Theorem 11.35 in [1])

Let E be a Hilbert space and Ψ C 2 (E,R) with


where LL(E,E) is symmetric and H(u)=o(u) as u0. Consider the equation


Let μσ(L) be an isolated eigenvalue of finite multiplicity. Then either

  1. (i)

    (μ,0) is not an isolated solution of (4.1) in {μ}×E, or

  2. (ii)

    there is a one-sided neighborhood Λ of μ such that for all λΛ{μ}, (4.1) has at least two distinct nontrivial solutions, or

  3. (iii)

    there is a neighborhood Λ of μ such that for all λΛ{μ}, (4.1) has at least one nontrivial solution.

We apply Proposition 4.1 to get two nontrivial solutions of (GS) λ for λ close to an eigenvalue of ( L A ) and then give the estimates of the Morse index.

Theorem 4.2 Assume that F satisfies ( F 1 )-( F 3 ). Let k1 be fixed. Then there exists δ>0 such that (GS) λ has at least two nontrivial solutions for

  1. (1)

    every λ( λ k + 1 A δ, λ k + 1 A ) if ( F 5 ) holds;

  2. (2)

    every λ( λ k + 1 A , λ k + 1 A +δ) if ( F 6 ) holds.

Furthermore, the Morse index m( z λ ) and the nullity n( z λ ) of such a solution z λ satisfy

k m( z λ )m( z λ )+n( z λ ) k + 1 , for 0< | λ λ k + 1 A | <δ.

Proof Under the assumptions ( F 1 )-( F 2 ), for each eigenvalue λ j A of ( L A ), ( λ j A ,0) is a bifurcation point of (GS) λ (see [1]).

Let (λ,z)R×E be a solution of (GS) λ near ( λ k + 1 A ,0) which satisfies

{ Δ z = λ A ( x ) z + F ( x , z ) , x Ω , z = ( u , v ) = 0 , x Ω .

By ( F 1 ) and ( F 2 ), we have

F(x,z)=F(x,0)+ F z (t,ηz)x= F z (x,ηz)z,for some 0<η<1.

Let ( F 5 ) hold. By the elliptic regularity theory (see [17]), z>0 small implies z C >0 small. Then by ( F 5 ), we have that

F z ( z , η z ( x ) ) >0,xΩ.

Now, consider the linear eigenvalue gradient system:

{ Δ y F z ( x , η z ( x ) ) y = μ A ( x ) y , x Ω , y = 0 , x Ω .

We denote the distinct eigenvalues of (4.6) by μ 1 (z)< μ 2 (z)<< μ i (z)< as z0. By ( F 2 ), if we take z=0, then for each iN, there is jN such that μ i (0)= λ j A . By (4.5), the standard variational characterization of the eigenvalues of (4.6) shows that μ i (z) is less than the corresponding j th ordered eigenvalue λ j A of ( L A ). Furthermore, μ i (z) λ j A as z0 in E. By (4.3) and (4.4), we see that z is a solution of (4.6) with eigenvalue λ. It must be that λ< λ k + 1 A since λ is close to λ k + 1 A . Therefore, the case (ii) of Proposition 4.1 occurs under the given conditions. This proves the case (1). The existence for the case (2) is proved in the same way.

Now, we estimate the Morse indices for the solutions obtained above. Let z λ be a bifurcation solution of (GS) λ . Then

z λ 0as λ λ k + 1 A .

Applying the elliptic regularity theory, we have that

z λ C 0,λ λ k + 1 A .

For each yE, we have

Φ ( z λ ) y , y = Q λ (y) Ω ( F z ( x , z λ ) y , y ) dx.

Therefore, for y E k ,

Φ ( z λ ) y , y λ k A λ λ k A y 2 + Ω | ( F z ( x , z λ ) y , y ) | dx,

and for ϕ E k + 1 ,

Φ ( z λ ) ϕ , ϕ λ k + 2 A λ λ k + 2 A ϕ 2 Ω | ( F z ( x , z λ ) ϕ , ϕ ) | dx.

By ( F 2 ) and (4.7), there exists δ>0 such that when 0<|λ λ k + 1 A |<δ,

Therefore, the Morse index m( z λ ) and the nullity n( z λ ) of z λ satisfy (4.2). The proof is complete. □

5 Proofs of main theorems

In this section, we give the proof of main theorems in this paper. We first compute the critical groups of Φ at both infinity and zero.

Lemma 5.1 (see [5])

Let F satisfy ( F 1 )-( F 4 ), then for any fixed λR,

C q (Φ,)0, for all qZ.

Proof The idea of the proof comes from the famous paper [5]. We include a sketched proof in an abstract version. Given λR, denote B 1 ={zE:z1}, S 1 = B 1 . Modifying the arguments in [5], we get the following facts:


The following arguments are from [10]. As Φ(0)=0, it follows from (5.2) and (5.3) that for each z S 1 , there is a unique τ(z)>0 such that

Φ ( τ ( z ) z ) =a.

By (5.4) and the implicit function theorem, we have that τC( S 1 ,R). Define

π(z)={ 1 , if  Φ ( z ) a , z 1 τ ( z 1 z ) , if  Φ ( z ) > a , z 0 .

Then πC(E{0},R). Define a map ϱ:[0,1]×E{0}E{0} by


Clearly, ϱ is continuous, and for all zE{0} with Φ(z)>a, by (5.4),

Φ ( ϱ ( 1 , z ) ) =Φ ( π ( z 1 z ) z 1 z ) =a.


ϱ(1,z) Φ a for all zE{0},ϱ(t,z)=zfor all t[0,1],z Φ a ,

and so Φ a is a strong deformation retract of E{0}. Hence,

C q (Φ,):= H q ( E , Φ a ) H q ( E , E { 0 } ) H q ( B 1 , S 1 )0,qZ

since S 1 is contractible, which follows from the fact that dimE=. □

Lemma 5.2 Let F satisfy ( F 1 )-( F 3 ).

  1. (1)

    For λ( λ k A , λ k + 1 A ), C q (Φ,0) δ q , k F.

  2. (2)

    For λ( λ k + 1 A , λ k + 2 A ), C q (Φ,0) δ q , k + 1 F.

  3. (3)

    For λ= λ k + 1 A , if F(x,z)0 for |z| small, then C q (Φ,0) δ q , k F.

  4. (4)

    For λ= λ k + 1 A , if F(x,z)0 for |z| small, then C q (Φ,0) δ q , k + 1 F.

Proof By ( F 2 ), we have

Φ ( 0 ) y , y = Q λ (y)= Ω | y | 2 λ ( A ( x ) y , y ) dx,yE.
  1. (1)

    When λ( λ k A , λ k + 1 A ), z=0 is a nondegenerate critical point of Φ with the Morse index m 0 = k , thus C q (Φ,0) δ q , k F.

  2. (2)

    When λ( λ k + 1 A , λ k + 2 A ), z=0 is a nondegenerate critical point of Φ with the Morse index m 0 = k + 1 , thus C q (Φ,0) δ q , k + 1 F.

  3. (3)

    When λ= λ k + 1 A , z=0 is a degenerate critical point of Φ with the Morse index m 0 = k and the nullity n 0 =dimE( λ k + 1 A ), m 0 + n 0 = k + 1 .

Assume that F(x,z)0 for |z|σ with σ>0 small. We will show that Φ has a local linking structure at z=0 with respect to E= E k E k . If this has been done, then by Proposition 2.2, we have C q (Φ,0) δ q , k F.

Now, Φ can be written as

Φ(z)= 1 2 Q λ k + 1 A (z) Ω F(x,z)dx.

By ( F 2 ) and ( F 3 ), for ϵ>0, there is C ϵ >0 such that

F(x,z) 1 2 ϵ | z | 2 + C ϵ | z | p ,z R 2 ,xΩ.

Hence, for z E k , we have that

Φ(z) λ k A λ k + 1 A 2 λ k A z 2 + ϵ 2 | z | 2 2 + C ϵ | z | p p .

Since E k is finite dimensional, all norms on E k are equivalent, hence for r>0 small,

Φ(z)0,for z E k ,zr.

By ( F 3 ), we have that for some C>0,

| F ( x , z ) | C | z | p ,|z|σ,xΩ.

For z E k , we write z=y+w where yE( λ k + 1 A ) and w E k + 1 . Then

Φ(z) λ k + 2 A λ k + 1 A 2 λ k + 2 A w 2 Ω F(x,z)dx.

For xΩ with |z(x)|σ, we have |w(x)| 2 3 |z(x)|. Hence, by (5.6) and the Poincaré inequality, we have for various constants C>0,


For xΩ with |z(x)|σ, F(x,z(x))0. Therefore,

Φ ( z ) λ k + 2 A λ k + 1 A 2 λ k + 2 A w 2 { x : | z ( x ) | σ } F ( x , z ( x ) ) d x C w p λ k + 2 A λ k + 1 A 2 λ k + 2 A w 2 C w p .

Since p>2, for r>0 small,

Φ(z)>0,for z=y+w with w0,zr.

For z=yE( λ k + 1 A ), it must hold that

Φ(y)= Ω F ( x , y ( x ) ) dx>0if 0<yr.

Here we use a potential convention that (GS) λ has finitely many solutions and then 0 is isolated. Otherwise, one would have that as r>0 small, yr implies |y(x)|δ for all xΩ, F(x,y)0 for all xΩ. Thus, 0 would not be an isolated critical point of Φ and (GS) λ would have infinitely many nontrivial solutions. By (5.10) and (5.11), we verify that

Φ(z)>0,for z E k ,0<zr.

Applying Proposition 2.2, we obtain

C q (Φ,0)= δ q , k F.

(4) When F(x,z)0 for |z| small, a similar argument shows that Φ has a local linking structure at z=0 with respect to E= E k + 1 E k + 1 . By Proposition 2.2, it follows that C q (Φ,0) δ q , k + 1 F. □

Finally, we prove the theorems.

Proof of Theorem 1.1 It follows from ( F 5 ) that F(x,z)0 for |z|>0 small. By Theorem 3.4 for the part λ( λ k + 1 A δ, λ k + 1 A ), (GS) λ has a nontrivial solution z λ satisfying

C k + 1 + 1 ( Φ , z λ ) 0.

By Theorem 4.2(1), (GS) λ has two nontrivial solutions z λ i (i=1,2) with their Morse indices satisfying

k m ( z λ i ) m ( z λ i ) +n ( z λ i ) k + 1 ,i=1,2.

From Proposition 2.1(2), we have that

C q ( Φ , z λ i ) 0,q[ k , k + 1 ],i=1,2.

From (5.12) and (5.13), we see that z λ z λ i (i=1,2). The proof is complete. □

Proof of Theorem 1.2 With the same argument as above, it follows from Theorem 4.2(2) and Theorem 3.4 for the part λ( λ k + 1 A , λ k + 1 A +δ). We omit the details. □

Proof of Theorem 1.3 By Theorem 3.4 for the part λ( λ k + 1 A δ, λ k + 1 A ], (GS) λ has a solution z λ with its energy Φ( z λ )α>0 and

C k + 1 + 1 ( Φ , z λ ) 0.

By Lemma 5.1 and Lemma 5.2(3), we have that


Assume that (GS) λ has only two solutions 0 and z λ . Choose a,bR such that a<0<b<Φ( z λ ). Then by the deformation and excision properties of singular homology (see [12]), we have

{ C q ( Φ , ) H q ( E , Φ a ) ; C q ( Φ , 0 ) H q ( Φ b , Φ a ) ; C q ( Φ , z λ ) H q ( E , Φ b ) .

By (5.17), the long exact sequences for the topological triple (E, Φ b , Φ a ) read as

C q + 1 (Φ,) C q + 1 ( Φ , z λ ) C q (Φ,0) C q (Φ,).

We deduce by (5.15) and (5.18) that

C q + 1 ( Φ , z λ ) C q (Φ,0),for qZ.

Take q= k + 1 in (5.19), then

C k + 1 + 1 ( Φ , z λ ) C k + 1 (Φ,0)0

which contradicts (5.14). The proof is complete. □

We finally remark that Theorem 1.1 is valid for λ( λ 1 A δ, λ 1 A ), from which one sees that z=0 is a local minimizer of Φ.


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The authors are grateful to the anonymous referee for his/her valuable suggestions. The second author was supported by NSFC11271264, NSFC11171204, KZ201010028027 and PHR201106118.

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Li, A., Su, J. Superlinear gradient system with a parameter. Bound Value Probl 2012, 110 (2012).

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