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Existence results for classes of infinite semipositone problems


We consider the problem

{ Δ p u = a u p 1 b u γ 1 c u α , x Ω , u = 0 , x Ω ,

where Δ p u=div( | u | p 2 u), p>1, Ω is a smooth bounded domain in R n , a>0, b>0, c0, γ>p and α(0,1). Given a, b, γ and α, we establish the existence of a positive solution for small values of c. These results are also extended to corresponding exterior domain problems. Also, a bifurcation result for the case c=0 is presented.

1 Introduction

Consider the nonsingular boundary value problem:

{ Δ u = a u b u 2 c h ( x ) , x Ω , u = 0 , x Ω ,

where Ω is a smooth bounded domain in R n , a>0, b>0, c0, Δu=div(u) is the Laplacian of u and h: Ω ¯ R is a C 1 ( Ω ¯ ) function satisfying h(x)0 for xΩ, h(x)0, max x Ω ¯ h(x)=1 and h(x)=0 for xΩ. Existence of positive solutions of problem (1) was studied in [1]. In particular, it was proved that given an a> λ 1 and b>0 there exists a c (a,b,Ω)>0 such that for c< c (1) has positive solutions. Here, λ 1 is the first eigenvalue of −Δ with Dirichlet boundary conditions. Nonexistence of a positive solution was also proved when a λ 1 . Later in [2], these results were extended to the case of the p-Laplacian operator, Δ p , where Δ p u=div( | u | p 2 u), p>1. Boundary value problems of the form (1) are known as semipositone problems since the nonlinearity f(s,x)=asb s 2 ch(x) satisfies f(0,x)<0 for some xΩ. See [39] for some existence results for semipositone problems.

In this paper, we study positive solutions to the singular boundary value problem:

{ Δ p u = a u p 1 b u γ 1 c u α , x Ω , u = 0 , x Ω ,

where Δ p u=div( | u | p 2 u), p>1, Ω is a smooth bounded domain in R n , a>0, b>0, c0, α(0,1), p>1, and γ>p. In the literature, problems of the form (2) are referred to as infinite semipositone problems as the nonlinearity f(s)= a s p 1 b s γ 1 c s α satisfies lim s 0 + f(s)=. One can refer to [1014], and [1517] for some recent existence results of infinite semipositone problems. We establish the following theorem.

Theorem 1.1 Given a,b>0, γ>p, and α(0,1), there exists a constant c 1 = c 1 (a,b,α,p,γ,Ω)>0 such that for c< c 1 , (2) has a positive solution.

Remark 1.1 In the nonsingular case (α=0), positive solutions exist only when a> λ 1 (the principal eigenvalue) (see [1, 2]). But in the singular case, we establish the existence of a positive solution for any given a>0.

Next, we study positive radial solutions to the problem:

{ Δ p u = K ( | x | ) ( a u p 1 b u γ 1 c u α ) , x Ω , u = 0 , if  | x | = r 0 , u 0 , as  | x | ,

where Ω={x R n ||x|> r 0 } is an exterior domain, n>p, a>0, b>0, c0, α(0,1), p>1, γ>p and K:[ r 0 ,)(0,) belongs to a class of continuous functions such that lim r K(r)=0. By using the transformation: r=|x| and s= ( r r 0 ) n + p p 1 , we reduce (3) to the following boundary value problem:

{ ( | u | p 2 u ) = h ( s ) ( a u p 1 b u γ 1 c u α ) , 0 < s < 1 , u ( 0 ) = u ( 1 ) = 0 ,

where h(s)= ( p 1 n p ) p r 0 p s p ( n 1 ) n p K( r 0 s ( p 1 ) n p ). We assume:

( H 1 ) KC([ r 0 ,),(0,)) and satisfies K(r)< 1 r n + θ for r1, and for some θ such that ( n p p 1 )α<θ< n p p 1 .

With the condition ( H 1 ), h satisfies:


We note that if θ n p p 1 then h(s) is nonsingular at 0 and hC([0,1],(0,)). In this case, problem (4) can be studied using ideas in the proof of Theorem 1.1. Hence, our focus is on the case when θ< n p p 1 in which, h may be singular at 0. Note that in this case h ˆ = inf s ( 0 , 1 ) h(s)>0.

Remark 1.2 Note that ρ+α<1 since θ>( n p p 1 )α.

We then establish the following theorem.

Theorem 1.2 Given a,b>0, γ>p, α(0,1), and assume ( H 1 ) holds. Then there exists a constant c 2 = c 2 (a,b,α,p,γ)>0 such that for c< c 2 , (3) has a positive radial solution.

Finally, we prove a bifurcation result for the problem

{ Δ p u = a u p 1 b u γ 1 u α , x Ω , u = 0 , on  Ω ,

where Ω is a smooth bounded domain in R n , a is a positive parameter, b,α>0, p>1+α and γ>p. We prove the following.

Theorem 1.3 The boundary value problem (6) has a branch of positive solutions bifurcating from the trivial branch of solutions (a,0) at (0,0) (as shown in Figure 1).

Figure 1
figure 1

Bifurcation diagram, a vs. u for ( 6 ).

Our results are obtained via the method of sub-super solutions. By a subsolution of (2), we mean a function ψ W 1 , p (Ω)C( Ω ¯ ) that satisfies

{ Ω | ψ | p 2 ψ w d x Ω a ψ p 1 b ψ γ 1 c ψ α w d x , for every  w W , ψ > 0 , in  Ω , ψ = 0 , on  Ω ,

and by a supersolution we mean a function Z W 1 , p (Ω)C( Ω ¯ ) that satisfies:

{ Ω | Z | p 2 Z w d x Ω a Z p 1 b Z γ 1 c Z α w d x , for every  w W , Z > 0 , in  Ω , Z = 0 , on  Ω ,

where W={ξ C 0 (Ω)|ξ0 in Ω}. The following lemma was established in [13].

Lemma 1.4 (see [13, 18])

Let ψ be a subsolution of (2) and Z be a supersolution of (2) such that ψZ in Ω. Then (2) has a solution u such that ψuZ in Ω.

Finding a positive subsolution, ψ, for such infinite semipositone problems is quite challenging since we need to construct ψ in such a way that lim x Ω Δ p ψ= and Δ p ψ>0 in a large part of the interior. In this paper, we achieve this by constructing subsolutions of the form ψ=k ϕ 1 β , where k is an appropriate positive constant, β(1, p p 1 ) and ϕ 1 is the eigenfunction corresponding to the first eigenvalue of Δ p ϕ=λ | ϕ | p 2 ϕ in Ω, ϕ=0 on Ω.

In Sections 2, 3, and 4, we provide proofs of our results. Section 5 is concerned with providing some exact bifurcation diagrams of positive solutions of (2) when Ω=(0,1) and p=2.

2 Proof of Theorem 1.1

We first construct a subsolution. Consider the eigenvalue problem Δ p ϕ=λ | ϕ | p 2 ϕ in Ω, ϕ=0 on Ω. Let ϕ 1 be an eigenfunction corresponding to the first eigenvalue λ 1 such that ϕ 1 >0 and ϕ 1 =1. Also, let δ,m,μ>0 be such that | ϕ 1 |m in Ω δ and ϕ 1 μ in Ω Ω δ , where Ω δ ={xΩ|d(x,Ω)δ}. Let β(1, p p 1 + α ) be fixed. Here, note that since α(0,1), p p 1 + α >1. Choose a k>0 such that 2b k γ p + β p 1 λ 1 k α a. Define c 1 =min{ k p 1 + α β p 1 (β1)(p1) m p , 1 2 k p 1 μ β ( p 1 ) (a β p 1 λ 1 k α )}. Note that c 1 >0 by the choice of k and β. Let ψ=k ϕ 1 β . Then

Δ p ψ= k p 1 β p 1 λ 1 ϕ 1 β ( p 1 ) k p 1 β p 1 (β1)(p1) | ϕ 1 | p ϕ 1 p β ( p 1 ) .

To prove ψ is a subsolution, we need to establish:


in Ω if c< c 1 . To achieve this, we split the term k p 1 β p 1 λ 1 ϕ 1 β ( p 1 ) into three, namely,

k p 1 β p 1 λ 1 ϕ 1 β ( p 1 ) = a k p 1 α ϕ 1 β ( p 1 α ) 1 2 k p 1 α ϕ 1 β ( p 1 α ) ( a k α ϕ 1 α β β p 1 λ 1 ) 1 2 k p 1 α ϕ 1 β ( p 1 α ) ( a k α ϕ 1 α β β p 1 λ 1 ) .

Now to prove (7) holds in Ω, it is enough to show the following three inequalities:


From the choice of k, (a β p 1 λ 1 k α )2b k γ p , hence,

1 2 k p 1 α ϕ 1 β ( p 1 α ) ( a k α ϕ 1 α β β p 1 λ 1 ) b k γ 1 α ϕ 1 β ( p 1 α ) b k γ 1 α ϕ 1 β ( γ 1 α ) .

Using ϕ 1 μ in Ω Ω δ and c< 1 2 k p 1 μ β ( p 1 ) (a β p 1 λ 1 k α )

1 2 k p 1 α ϕ 1 β ( p 1 α ) ( a k α ϕ 1 α β β p 1 λ 1 ) k p 1 ϕ 1 β ( p 1 ) ( a k α λ 1 β p 1 ) 2 k α ϕ 1 α β c k α ϕ 1 α β .

Finally, since | ϕ 1 |m, in Ω δ , and c< k p 1 + α β p 1 (β1)(p1) m p ,

k p 1 β p 1 ( β 1 ) ( p 1 ) | ϕ 1 | p ϕ 1 p β ( p 1 ) k p 1 + α β p 1 ( β 1 ) ( p 1 ) m p k α ϕ 1 α β ϕ 1 p β ( p 1 ) α β c k α ϕ 1 α β ϕ 1 p β ( p 1 + α ) .

Since pβ(p1+α)>0,

k p 1 β p 1 (β1)(p1) | ϕ 1 | p ϕ 1 p β ( p 1 ) c k α ϕ 1 α β .

From (11), (12) and (13) we see that equation (7) holds in Ω, if c< c 1 . Next, we construct a supersolution. Let e be the solution of Δ p e=1 in Ω,e=0 on Ω. Choose M ¯ >0 such that a u p 1 b u γ 1 c u α M ¯ p 1 u>0 and M ¯ eψ. Define Z= M ¯ e. Then Z is a supersolution of (2). Thus, Theorem 1.1 is proven.

3 Proof of Theorem 1.2

We begin the proof by constructing a subsolution. Consider

( | ϕ | p 2 ϕ ) = λ | ϕ | p 2 ϕ , t ( 0 , 1 ) , ϕ ( 0 ) = ϕ ( 1 ) = 0 .

Let ϕ 1 be an eigenfunction corresponding to the first eigenvalue of (14) such that ϕ 1 >0 and ϕ 1 =1. Then there exist d 1 >0 such that 0< ϕ 1 (t) d 1 t(1t) for t(0,1). Also, let ϵ< ϵ 1 and m,μ>0 be such that | ϕ 1 |m in (0,ϵ][1ϵ,1) and ϕ 1 μ in (ϵ,1ϵ). Let β(1, p ρ p 1 + α ) be fixed and choose k>0 such that 2b k γ p + β p 1 λ 1 k α h ˆ a. Define c 2 =min{ k p 1 + α β p 1 ( β 1 ) ( p 1 ) m p d 1 ρ , 1 2 k p 1 μ β ( p 1 ) (a β p 1 λ 1 k α h ˆ )}. Then c 2 >0 by the choice of k and β. Let ψ=k ϕ 1 β . This implies that:

( | ψ | p 2 ψ ) = k p 1 β p 1 λ 1 ϕ 1 β ( p 1 ) k p 1 β p 1 (β1)(p1) | ϕ 1 | p ϕ 1 p β ( p 1 ) .

To prove ψ is a subsolution, we need to establish:


Here, we note that the term k p 1 β p 1 λ 1 ϕ 1 β ( p 1 ) = h ˆ k p 1 β p 1 λ 1 ϕ 1 β ( p 1 ) h ˆ h(t)(a k p 1 α ϕ 1 β ( p 1 α ) 1 2 k p 1 α ϕ 1 β ( p 1 α ) (a k α ϕ 1 α β β p 1 λ 1 h ˆ ) 1 2 k p 1 α ϕ 1 β ( p 1 α ) (a k α ϕ 1 α β β p 1 λ 1 h ˆ )), where h ˆ = inf s ( 0 , 1 ) h(s). Now to prove (15) holds in (0,1), it is enough to show the following three inequalities:


From the choice of k, (a β p 1 λ 1 k α h ˆ )2b k γ p , hence,

1 2 k p 1 α ϕ 1 β ( p 1 α ) ( a k α ϕ 1 α β β p 1 λ 1 h ˆ ) b k γ 1 α ϕ 1 β ( p 1 α ) b k γ 1 α ϕ 1 β ( γ 1 α ) .

Using ϕ 1 μ in (ϵ,1ϵ) and c< 1 2 k p 1 μ β ( p 1 ) (a β p 1 λ 1 k α h ˆ )

1 2 k p 1 α ϕ 1 β ( p 1 α ) ( a k α ϕ 1 α β β p 1 λ 1 h ˆ ) k p 1 ϕ 1 β ( p 1 ) ( a k α λ 1 β p 1 h ˆ ) 2 k α ϕ 1 α β c k α ϕ 1 α β .

Next, we prove (18) holds in (0,ϵ]. Since | ϕ 1 |m, and pβ(p1)>αβ+ρ

k p 1 β p 1 ( β 1 ) ( p 1 ) | ϕ 1 | p ϕ 1 p β ( p 1 ) k p 1 + α β p 1 ( β 1 ) ( p 1 ) m p k α ϕ 1 α β ϕ 1 ρ k p 1 + α β p 1 ( β 1 ) ( p 1 ) m p k α ϕ 1 α β d 1 ρ t ρ .

Since h(t) 1 t ρ in (0,ϵ], and c< k p 1 + α β p 1 ( β 1 ) ( p 1 ) m p d 1 ρ ,

k p 1 β p 1 (β1)(p1) | ϕ 1 | p ϕ 1 p β ( p 1 ) c h ( t ) k α ϕ 1 α β .

Proving (18) holds in [1ϵ,1) is straightforward since h is not singular at t=1. Thus, from equations (19), (20) and (21), we see that (15) holds in (0,1). Hence, ψ is a subsolution. Let Z= M ¯ e where e satisfies ( | e | p 2 e ) =h(t) in (0,1), e(0)=e(1)=0 and M ¯ is such that a u p 1 b u γ 1 c u α M ¯ p 1 u>0 and M ¯ eψ. Then Z is a supersolution of (4) and there exists a solution u of (4) such that u[ψ,Z]. Thus, Theorem 1.2 is proven.

4 Proof of Theorem 1.3

We first prove (6) has a positive solution for every a>0. We begin by constructing a subsolution. Let ϕ 1 be as in the proof of Theorem 1.1 (see Section 2). Let β(1, p p 1 ), and choose a k>0 such that b k γ p + β p 1 λ 1 k α a. Let ψ=k ϕ 1 β . Then

Δ p ψ= k p 1 β p 1 λ 1 ϕ 1 β ( p 1 ) k p 1 β p 1 (β1)(p1) | ϕ 1 | p ϕ 1 p β ( p 1 ) .

To prove ψ is a subsolution, we will establish:

k p 1 β p 1 λ 1 ϕ 1 β ( p 1 ) a k p 1 α ϕ 1 β ( p 1 α ) b k γ 1 α ϕ 1 β ( γ 1 α )

in Ω. To achieve this, we rewrite the term k p 1 β p 1 λ 1 ϕ 1 β ( p 1 ) as k p 1 β p 1 λ 1 ϕ 1 β ( p 1 ) =a k p 1 α ϕ 1 β ( p 1 α ) k p 1 α ϕ 1 β ( p 1 α ) (a k α ϕ 1 α β β p 1 λ 1 ). Now to prove (22) holds in Ω, it is enough to show k p 1 α ϕ 1 β ( p 1 α ) (a k α ϕ 1 α β β p 1 λ 1 )b k γ 1 α ϕ 1 β ( γ 1 α ) . From the choice of k, (a β p 1 λ 1 k α )b k γ p , hence,

k p 1 α ϕ 1 β ( p 1 α ) ( a k α ϕ 1 α β β p 1 λ 1 ) b k γ 1 α ϕ 1 β ( p 1 α ) b k γ 1 α ϕ 1 β ( γ 1 α ) .

Thus, ψ is a subsolution. It is easy to see that Z= ( a b ) 1 γ p is a supersolution of (6). Since k, can be chosen small enough, ψZ. Thus, (6) has a positive solution for every a>0. Also, all positive solutions are bounded above by Z. Hence, when a is close to 0, every positive solution of (6) approaches 0. Also, u0 is a solution for every a. This implies we have a branch of positive solutions bifurcating from the trivial branch of solutions (a,0) at (0,0).

5 Numerical results

Consider the boundary value problem

{ u ( x ) = a u b u 2 c u α , x ( 0 , 1 ) , u ( 0 ) = 0 = u ( 1 ) ,

where a,b>0, c0 and α(0,1). Using the quadrature method (see [19]), the bifurcation diagram of positive solutions of (23) is given by

G(ρ,c)= 0 ρ d s [ 2 ( F ( ρ ) F ( s ) ) ] = 1 2 ,

where F(s):= 0 s f(t)dt where f(t)= a t b t 2 c t α and ρ=u( 1 2 )= u . We plot the exact bifurcation diagram of positive solutions of (23) using Mathematica. Figure 2 shows bifurcation diagrams of positive solutions of (23) when a=8 (< λ 1 ) and b=1 for different values of α.

Figure 2
figure 2

Bifurcation diagrams, c vs. ρ for ( 23 ) with a=8 , b=1 .

Bifurcation diagrams of positive solutions of (23) when a=15 (> λ 1 ) and b=1 for different values of α is shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3
figure 3

Bifurcation diagrams, c vs. ρ for ( 23 ) with a=15 , b=1 .

Finally, we provide the exact bifurcation diagram for (6) when p=2, and Ω=(0,1). Consider

{ u ( x ) = a u b u 2 u α , x ( 0 , 1 ) , u ( 0 ) = 0 = u ( 1 ) ,

where a,b,α>0. The bifurcation diagram of positive solutions of (25) is given by

G ˜ (ρ,a)= 0 ρ d s [ 2 ( F ˜ ( ρ ) F ˜ ( s ) ) ] = 1 2 ,

where F ˜ (s):= 0 s f ˜ (t)dt where f ˜ (t)= a t b t 2 t α and ρ=u( 1 2 )= u . The bifurcation diagram of positive solutions of (25) as well as the trivial solution branch are shown in Figure 4 when α=0.5 and b=1.

Figure 4
figure 4

Bifurcation diagram, a vs. ρ for ( 25 ) with α=0.5 , b=1 .


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EK Lee was supported by 2-year Research Grant of Pusan National University.

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Goddard, J., Lee, E.K., Sankar, L. et al. Existence results for classes of infinite semipositone problems. Bound Value Probl 2013, 97 (2013).

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