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Existence principle for higher-order nonlinear differential equations with state-dependent impulses via fixed point theorem


The paper provides an existence principle for a general boundary value problem of the form j = 0 n a j (t) u ( j ) (t)=h(t,u(t),, u ( n 1 ) (t)), a.e. t[a,b]R, k (u, u ,, u ( n 1 ) )= c k , k=1,,n, with the state-dependent impulses u ( j ) (t+) u ( j ) (t)= J i j (u(t), u (t),, u ( n 1 ) (t)), where the impulse points t are determined as solutions of the equations t= γ i (u(t), u (t),, u ( n 2 ) (t)), i=1,,p, j=0,,n1. Here, n,pN, c 1 ,, c n R, the functions a j / a n , j=0,,n1, are Lebesgue integrable on [a,b] and h/ a n satisfies the Carathéodory conditions on [a,b]× R n . The impulse functions J i j , i=1,,p, j=0,,n1, and the barrier functions γ i , i=1,,p, are continuous on R n and R n 1 , respectively. The functionals k , k=1,,n, are linear and bounded on the space of left-continuous regulated (i.e. having finite one-sided limits at each point) on [a,b] vector functions. Provided the data functions h and J i j are bounded, transversality conditions which guarantee that each possible solution of the problem in a given region crosses each barrier γ i at the unique impulse point τ i are presented, and consequently the existence of a solution to the problem is proved.

MSC:34B37, 34B10, 34B15.

1 Introduction

In this paper we are interested in the nonlinear ordinary differential equation of the n th-order (n2) with state-dependent impulses and general linear boundary conditions on the interval [a,b]R. Studies of real-life problems with state-dependent impulses can be found e.g. in [16]. Here we consider the equation

j = 0 n a j (t) u ( j ) (t)=h ( t , u ( t ) , , u ( n 1 ) ( t ) ) ,a.e. t[a,b],

subject to the impulse conditions

u ( j ) ( t + ) u ( j ) ( t ) = J i j ( u ( t ) , u ( t ) , , u ( n 1 ) ( t ) ) , where  t = γ i ( u ( t ) , u ( t ) , , u ( n 2 ) ( t ) ) for  i = 1 , , p , j = 0 , , n 1 , }

and the linear boundary conditions

k ( u , u , , u ( n 1 ) ) = c k ,k=1,,n.

In what follows we use this notation. Let k,m,nN. By R m × n we denote the set of all matrices of the type m×n with real valued coefficients. Let A T denote the transpose of A R m × n . Let R n = R n × 1 be the set of all n-dimensional column vectors c= ( c 1 , , c n ) T , where c i R, i=1,,n, and R= R 1 × 1 . By C( R n ; R m ) we denote the set of all mappings x: R n R m with continuous components. By L ([a,b]; R m × n ), L 1 ([a,b]; R m × n ), G L ([a,b]; R m × n ), AC([a,b]; R m × n ), BV([a,b]; R m × n ), C k ([a,b]; R m × n ), we denote the sets of all mappings x:[a,b] R m × n whose components are, respectively, essentially bounded functions, Lebesgue integrable functions, left-continuous regulated functions, absolutely continuous functions, functions with bounded variation and functions with continuous derivatives of the k th order on the interval [a,b]. By Car([a,b]× R n ;R) we denote the set of all functions f:[a,b]× R n R satisfying the Carathéodory conditions on the set [a,b]× R n . Finally, by χ M we denote the characteristic function of the set MR.

Note that a mapping u:[a,b] R n is left-continuous regulated on [a,b] if for each t(a,b] and each s[a,b) there exist finite limits

u(t)=u(t)= lim τ t u(τ),u(s+)= lim τ s + u(τ).

G L ([a,b]; R n ) is a linear space, and equipped with the sup-norm it is a Banach space (see [[7], Theorem 3.6]). In particular, we set

u = max i { 1 , , n } ( sup t [ a , b ] | u i ( t ) | ) for u= ( u 1 , , u n ) T G L ( [ a , b ] ; R n ) .

A function f:[a,b]× R n R satisfies the Carathéodory conditions on [a,b]× R n if

  • f(,x):[a,b]R is measurable for all x R n ,

  • f(t,): R n R is continuous for a.e. t[a,b],

  • for each compact set K R n there exists a function m K L 1 ([a,b];R) such that |f(t,x)| m K (t) for a.e. t[a,b] and each xK.

In this paper we provide sufficient conditions for the solvability of problem (1)-(3). This problem is a generalization of problems studied in the papers [810] which are devoted to the second-order differential equation. Other types of initial or boundary value problems for the first- or second-order differential equations with state-dependent impulses can be found in [1119]. To get the existence results for problem (1)-(3), we exploit the paper [20] with fixed-time impulsive problems.

Here we assume that

n 2 , a j a n L 1 ( [ a , b ] ; R ) , j = 0 , , n 1 , h ( t , x ) a n ( t ) Car ( [ a , b ] × R n ; R ) , c j R , J i j C ( R n ; R ) , γ i C ( R n 1 ; R ) , i = 1 , , p , j = 0 , , n 1 , k : G L ( [ a , b ] ; R n ) R  is a linear bounded functional ,  i.e. k ( z ) = K k z ( a ) + a b V k ( t ) d [ z ( t ) ] , z G L ( [ a , b ] ; R n × 1 ) , where  K k R 1 × n , V k BV ( [ a , b ] ; R 1 × n ) , k = 1 , , n , n , p N . }

Remark 1 The integral in formula (4) is the Kurzweil-Stieltjes integral, whose definition and properties can be found in [21]. The fact that each linear bounded functional on G L ([a,b]; R n × 1 ) can be written uniquely in the form described in (4) is proved in [22]. See also [20].

Now let us define a solution of problem (1)-(3).

Definition 2 A function u G L ([a,b]; R n ) is said to be a solution of problem (1)-(3) if u satisfies (1) for a.e. t[a,b] and fulfils conditions (2) and (3).

2 Problem with impulses at fixed times

In the paper [20] we have found an operator representation to the special type of problem (1)-(3) having impulses at fixed times. This is the case that the barrier functions γ i in (2) are constant functions, i.e. there exist t 1 ,, t p R satisfying a< t 1 << t p <b such that

γ i ( x 0 , x 1 ,, x n 2 )= t i for i=1,,p, x 0 , x 1 ,, x n 2 R.

In this case, each solution of the problem crosses i th barrier at same time instant τ i = t i for i=1,,p.

Note that boundary value problems for higher-order differential equations with impulses at fixed times have been studied for example in [2331] and for delay higher-order impulsive equations in [32, 33].

Let us summarize the results of the paper [20] according to our needs. Assume that the linear homogeneous problem

j = 0 n a j ( t ) u ( j ) ( t ) = 0 , a.e.  t [ a , b ] , k ( u , u , , u ( n 1 ) ) = 0 , k = 1 , , n , }

has only the trivial solution. Let { u ˜ 1 ,, u ˜ n } be a fundamental system of solutions of the differential equation from (6), W be their Wronski matrix and w its first row, i.e.

W(t)=( u ˜ 1 ( t ) u ˜ n ( t ) u ˜ 1 ( t ) u ˜ n ( t ) u ˜ 1 ( n 1 ) ( t ) u ˜ n ( n 1 ) ( t ) ),w(t)= ( u ˜ 1 ( t ) , , u ˜ n ( t ) ) ,t[a,b].


(W)= ( i ( u ˜ j , u ˜ j , , u ˜ j ( n 1 ) ) ) i , j = 1 n .

From [[20], Lemma 8] (see also Chapter 3 in [34]) it follows that the unique solvability of (6) is equivalent to the condition


Further assume (9), consider V j , j=1,,n, from (4), and denote

V(t)=( V 1 ( t ) V 2 ( t ) V n ( t ) ),A(t)=( 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 a 0 ( t ) a n ( t ) a 1 ( t ) a n ( t ) a 2 ( t ) a n ( t ) a n 1 ( t ) a n ( t ) ),

t[a,b] and

H(τ)= [ ( W ) ] 1 ( τ b V ( s ) A ( s ) W ( s ) d s W 1 ( τ ) + V ( τ ) ) ,τ[a,b].

If we denote by H i j and ω i j elements of the matrices H and W 1 , respectively, that is,

H(τ)= ( H i j ( τ ) ) i , j = 1 n , W 1 (τ)= ( ω i j ( τ ) ) i , j = 1 n ,

we can define functions g j , j=1,,n, as

g j (t,τ)= k = 1 n u ˜ k (t) ( H k j ( τ ) + χ ( τ , b ] ( t ) ω k j ( τ ) ) ,t,τ[a,b].

For each fixed τ[a,b] the functions k g j ( t , τ ) τ k , k=0,1,,n1, will be understood as right-continuous extensions at t=a and left-continuous extensions at t=τ and t=b. In this way the Green’s function of problem (6) is built (cf. Remark 6).

Remark 3 In order to state one of the main results of [20] we introduce the set of all functions u continuous on the intervals [a, t 1 ],( t 1 , t 2 ],,( t p ,b], with t i from (5), having their derivatives u ,, u ( n 1 ) continuously extendable onto these intervals. This set is denoted by PC n 1 ([a,b]). For u PC n 1 ([a,b]) we define

u ( k ) (a)= u ( k ) (a+), u ( k ) ( t i )= u ( k ) ( t i )for k=1,,n1,i=1,,p.

Equipped with the standard addition, scalar multiplication, and with the norm

u= k = 0 n 1 u ( k ) ,u PC n 1 ( [ a , b ] ) ,

PC n 1 ([a,b]) forms a Banach space.

Now we are ready to state the operator representation theorem for the problem with impulses at fixed times a< t 1 << t p <b which has the form

j = 0 n a j (t) u ( j ) (t)=h ( t , u ( t ) , , u ( n 1 ) ( t ) ) ,a.e. t[a,b],
u ( j ) ( t i +) u ( j ) ( t i )= J i j ( u ( t i ) , u ( t i ) , , u ( n 1 ) ( t i ) ) ,i=1,,p,j=0,,n1,
k ( u , u , , u ( n 1 ) ) = c k ,k=1,,n.

Theorem 4 [[20], Theorem 17]

Let (4), (9) hold, and let W, w, (W) and g j , j=1,,n be defined in (7), (8), and (12). Then u PC n 1 ([a,b]) is a fixed point of an operator H: PC n 1 ([a,b]) PC n 1 ([a,b]) defined by

( H u ) ( t ) = a b g n ( t , s ) a n ( s ) h ( s , u ( s ) , , u ( n 1 ) ( s ) ) d s ( H u ) ( t ) = + j = 1 n i = 1 p g j ( t , t i ) J i , j 1 ( u ( t i ) , , u ( n 1 ) ( t i ) ) ( H u ) ( t ) = + w ( t ) [ ( W ) ] 1 ( c 1 , , c n ) T , }

t[a,b], if and only if u is a solution of problem (13)-(15). Moreover, the operator is completely continuous.

Remark 5 Let us note that the row vector

w(t) [ ( W ) ] 1

does not depend on the choice of a fundamental system of solutions u ˜ 1 ,, u ˜ n , but only on the data of problem (6).

Remark 6 Let us put

J i j =0,i=1,,p,j=0,,n1, c k =0,k=1,,n


h(t,x)= h 0 (t) L 1 ( [ a , b ] ; R ) for x R n .

Then the operator in Theorem 4 can be written as

( H 0 u)(t)= a b g n ( t , s ) a n ( s ) h 0 (s)ds.

Theorem 4 implies that u is a fixed point of H 0 if and only if u is a solution of the problem

j = 0 n a j (t) u ( j ) (t)= h 0 (t), j ( u , u , , u ( n 1 ) ) =0,j=1,,n.

Therefore a (unique) solution of problem (17) has the form

u(t)= a b g n ( t , s ) a n ( s ) h 0 (s)ds,

and consequently g n ( t , s ) a n ( s ) is the Green’s function of (6).

Remark 7 Under the assumption (9) we are allowed using (11) to define the functions

g j [ 1 ] ( t , τ ) = k = 1 n u ˜ k ( t ) H k j ( τ ) , g j [ 2 ] ( t , τ ) = k = 1 n u ˜ k ( t ) ( H k j ( τ ) + ω k j ( τ ) ) }

for t,τ[a,b], j=1,,n. Obviously, due to (12),

g j (t,τ)={ g j [ 1 ] ( t , τ ) for  a t τ b , g j [ 2 ] ( t , τ ) for  a τ < t b ,

for j=1,,n. Let us stress that g j [ ν ] , as well as g j , do not depend on the choice of fundamental system u ˜ 1 ,, u ˜ n , but only on the data of problem (6). The functions g j [ ν ] possess crucial properties for our approach. From their definition it follows that for each τ[a,b]

k g j [ ν ] t k (,τ)AC ( [ a , b ] ; R )

for ν=1,2, j=1,,n, k=0,,n1. Moreover, for each ν=1,2, j=1,,n, k=0,,n1, there exists a constant C ν j k >0 such that

| k g j [ ν ] t k (t,τ)| C ν j k and| k g j t k (t,τ)| max ν = 1 , 2 C ν j k t,τ[a,b].

This follows from the definition of g j [ ν ] (ν=1,2), from the fact w C n 1 ([a,b]; R 1 × n ) and from the boundedness of the matrices W 1 and H (cf. (7), (10) and (11)).

3 Transversality conditions

The most results for differential equations with state-dependent impulses concern initial value problems. Theorems about the existence, uniqueness or extension of solutions of initial value problems, and about intersections of such solutions with barriers γ i can be found for example in [[35], Chapter 5].

A different approach has to be used when boundary value problems with state-dependent impulses are discussed and boundary conditions are imposed on a solution anywhere in the interval [a,b] including unknown points of impulses. This is the case of problem (1)-(3).

Our approach is based on the existence of a fixed point of an operator in some set Ω ¯ = B ¯ p + 1 (cf. Lemma 12), where B ¯ C n 1 ([a,b];R) is a ball defined in (28). In order to get a fixed point, we need to prove for functions of B ¯ assertions about their transversality through barriers. Such assertions are contained in Lemmas 9 and 10 and it is important that they are valid for all functions in B ¯ and not only for solutions of problem (1), (2).

Remark 8 Having the lemmas about the transversality, we will prove in Section 4 the existence of a solution u of problem (1)-(3), which has the following property:

for each  i { 1 , , p }  there exists a unique  τ i ( a , b )  such that τ i = γ i ( u ( τ i ) , u ( τ i ) , , u ( n 2 ) ( τ i ) ) , a < τ 1 < < τ p < b , and the restrictions  u | [ a , τ 1 ] , u | ( τ 1 , τ 2 ] , , u | ( τ p , b ]  have absolutely continuous derivatives of the  ( n 1 ) th order . }

Consider real numbers K j , j=0,1,,n1, and denote

A n = { ( x 0 , x 1 , , x n 1 ) R n : | x 0 | K 0 , , | x n 1 | K n 1 } .

Now, we are ready to formulate the following transversality conditions:

a< min A n 1 γ 1 max A n 1 γ i 1 < min A n 1 γ i max A n 1 γ p <b,i=2,,p,
for each  i = 1 , , p , k = 0 , , n 2  there exists  L i k [ 0 , )  such that if  ( x 0 , x 1 , , x n 2 ) , ( y 0 , y 1 , , y n 2 )  belong to  A n 1 ,  then | γ i ( x 0 , x 1 , , x n 2 ) γ i ( y 0 , y 1 , , y n 2 ) | j = 0 n 2 L i j | x j y j | , i = 1 , , p , }
j = 0 n 2 L i j K j + 1 <1for i=1,,p,
γ i ( x 0 + J i 0 ( x 0 , , x n 1 ) , , x n 2 + J i , n 2 ( x 0 , , x n 1 ) ) γ i ( x 0 , , x n 2 ) , ( x 0 , , x n 1 ) A n , i = 1 , , p . }

Let us define the set

B= { u C n 1 ( [ a , b ] ; R ) : u ( j ) < K j  for  j = 0 , , n 1 } .

Our current goal is to find a continuous functional P i for i=1,,p, which maps each function u from B ¯ to some time instant τ i of (2).

Lemma 9 Let K j , j=0,,n1, L i k , i=1,,p, k=0,,n2, be real numbers satisfying (26), and let A n and be given by (23) and (28), respectively. Finally, assume that γ i , i=1,,p, satisfy (24), (25), and choose u B ¯ . Then the function

σ(t)= γ i ( u ( t ) , u ( t ) , , u ( n 2 ) ( t ) ) t,t[a,b],

is continuous and decreasing on [a,b] and it has a unique root in the interval (a,b), i.e. there exists a unique solution of the equation

t= γ i ( u ( t ) , , u ( n 2 ) ( t ) ) .

Proof Let u B ¯ , i{1,,p}. By (24),

σ ( a ) = γ i ( u ( a ) , u ( a ) , , u ( n 2 ) ( a ) ) a > 0 , σ ( b ) = γ i ( u ( b ) , u ( b ) , , u ( n 2 ) ( b ) ) b < 0

is valid. This together with the fact that σ is continuous shows that σ has at least one root in (a,b). Now, we will prove that σ is decreasing, by a contradiction. Let s 1 , s 2 (a,b), s 1 < s 2 be such that

σ( s 1 )=σ( s 2 ),


γ i ( u ( s 1 ) , , u ( n 2 ) ( s 1 ) ) γ i ( u ( s 2 ) , , u ( n 2 ) ( s 2 ) ) = s 1 s 2 .

From (25), (26), (28), and the Mean Value Theorem we obtain

0 < | s 1 s 2 | = | γ i ( u ( s 1 ) , , u ( n 2 ) ( s 1 ) ) γ i ( u ( s 2 ) , , u ( n 2 ) ( s 2 ) ) | j = 0 n 2 L i j | u ( j ) ( s 1 ) u ( j ) ( s 2 ) | j = 0 n 2 L i j K j + 1 | s 1 s 2 | < | s 1 s 2 | ,

which is a contradiction.

According to Lemma 9, we can define a functional P i : B ¯ (a,b) by

P i u= τ i ,u B ¯ ,

where τ i is a solution of (30), i.e. a unique root of the function σ from Lemma 9, for i=1,,p. □

Lemma 10 Let the assumptions of Lemma 9 be satisfied. The functionals P i , i=1,,p, are continuous.

Proof Let u m ,u B ¯ , for mN such that

u m uin  C n 1 ( [ a , b ] ; R )  as m.

Let us choose i{1,,p} and prove that P i u m P i u as m. We denote

τ= P i u, τ m = P i u m ,mN.

From Lemma 9 it follows that τ, τ m (a,b) are the unique roots of the functions

σ(t)= γ i ( u ( t ) , , u ( n 2 ) ( t ) ) t, σ m (t)= γ i ( u m ( t ) , , u m ( n 2 ) ( t ) ) t,t[a,b],

and these functions are strictly decreasing. Let ϵR, ϵ>0 be such that τϵ,τ+ϵ(a,b). Then σ(τϵ)>0 and σ(τ+ϵ)<0. According to (32) we see that σ m σ uniformly on [a,b], in particular σ m (τϵ)σ(τϵ) and σ m (τ+ϵ)σ(τ+ϵ) as m. These facts imply that

σ m (τϵ)>0and σ m (τ+ϵ)<0for a.e. mN.

From the continuity of σ m and the Intermediate Value Theorem it follows that

P i u m = τ m (τϵ,τ+ϵ)=( P i uϵ, P i u+ϵ)for a.e. mN,

which completes the proof. □

Our next step is to define an appropriate operator representation of the BVP with state-dependent impulses. The first idea would be a direct exploitation of the operator from Theorem 4, putting P i u in place of t i . This is not possible for many reasons. First, each P i acts on the space of functions having continuous derivatives - but we need functions having p discontinuities. Even if we would overcome this difficulty we arrive at a problem of choosing an appropriate Banach space on which would be acting. According to Remark 8, we search a solution u of problem (1)-(3), which has its jumps (together with u, u ,, u ( n 1 ) ) at the points τ i = P i u(a,b), i=1,,p (see (31)). In general, these points are different for different solutions. Consequently, such solutions have to be searched in the Banach space G L ([a,b]; R n ). But then there is a difficulty with the continuity of such operator. In fact the operator from (16) having P i u in place of t i is not continuous in the space G L ([a,b]; R n ) (cf. Remark 6.2 and Example 6.3 in [36]).

Therefore, we choose the way here, which we have developed in our joint papers [810]. The main idea of our approach lies in representing the solution u of problem (1)-(3) by an ordered (p+1)-tuple ( u 1 ,, u p + 1 ) [ C n 1 ( [ a , b ] ; R ) ] p + 1 as follows:

u(t)={ u 1 ( t ) , t [ a , P 1 u 1 ] , u 2 ( t ) , t ( P 1 u 1 , P 2 u 2 ] , u p + 1 ( t ) , t ( P p u p , b ] .

Consequently, we work with the space

X= [ C n 1 ( [ a , b ] ; R ) ] p + 1

equipped with the norm

( u 1 , , u p + 1 ) = i = 1 p + 1 j = 0 n 1 u i ( j ) for ( u 1 ,, u p + 1 )X.

It is well known that X is a Banach space.

4 Main results

Let us turn our attention to problem (1)-(3) with state-dependent impulses under the assumptions (4) and (9). In our approach we will make use of the tools introduced in the previous sections.

In addition we assume

there exists  m L 1 ( [ a , b ] ; R ) , A i j R  such that | h ( t , x ) a n ( t ) | m ( t )  for a.e.  t [ a , b ]  and all  x R n , | J i j ( x ) | A i j  for each  i = 1 , , p , j = 0 , , n 1 . }

Consider c 1 ,, c n from (3), w from (7) and (W) from (8), and denote

M= a b m(t)dt, c 0 = ( c 1 , , c n ) T , D r = max t [ a , b ] w ( r ) (t) [ ( W ) ] 1 c 0 ,


K r =M max ν = 1 , 2 { C ν n r }+ j = 1 n k = 1 p max ν = 1 , 2 { C ν j r } A k , j 1 + D r ,

for r=0,,n1, where C ν j r are constants from (21).

Remark 11 Let us note that the constants D r from (35) do not depend on the choice of the fundamental system of solutions u ˜ 1 ,, u ˜ n , but only on the coefficients a i of the differential equation (1) and on the operators j from (3) (and, of course, on the constants c j ).

Now, we are ready to construct a convenient operator for a representation of problem (1)-(3). Let us choose its domain as the closure of the set

Ω= B p + 1 X,

where is defined in (28) with K j from (36).

Now, we have to modify the operator from Theorem 4 using g j [ 1 ] and g j [ 2 ] instead of the Green’s functions g j , that is, we define an operator F: Ω ¯ X by F( u 1 ,, u p + 1 )=( x 1 ,, x p + 1 ) with

x i ( t ) = k = 1 p + 1 τ k 1 τ k g n ( t , s ) h ( s , u k ( s ) , , u k ( n 1 ) ( s ) ) a n ( s ) d s x i ( t ) = + j = 1 n ( i k p g j [ 1 ] ( t , τ k ) J k , j 1 ( u k ( τ k ) , , u k ( n 1 ) ( τ k ) ) x i ( t ) = + 1 k < i g j [ 2 ] ( t , τ k ) J k , j 1 ( u k ( τ k ) , , u k ( n 1 ) ( τ k ) ) ) + w ( t ) [ ( W ) ] 1 c 0 }

for i=1,,p+1, t[a,b], where

τ k = P k u k for k=1,,p, τ 0 =a, τ p + 1 =b,

and W, w, g j , g j [ 1 ] , g j [ 2 ] , j=1,,n, and c 0 are from (7), (12), (18), and (35), respectively.

Let us compare (16) for the operator with (37) for the operator . The first term in (16) expresses a solution of homogeneous boundary value problem without impulses. This term is decomposed in (37) on subintervals which depend on the choice of (p+1)-tuple ( u 1 ,, u p + 1 ). The second term in (16) caused (according to the discontinuity of functions  g j ) needed impulses of solutions of the fixed-time impulsive problem (13)-(15). We significantly modify this term in (37) in such a way that, instead of discontinuous functions g j which have jumps at the points τ k = P k u k , we use smooth functions g j [ 1 ] , g j [ 2 ] defined in (18). Due to this modification the operator maps one tuple of smooth functions u 1 ,, u p + 1 onto another tuple of smooth functions x 1 ,, x p + 1 , and we will be able to prove the compactness of on Ω ¯ .

In the next lemma we arrive at a justification of our definition.

Lemma 12 Let assumptions (4), (9), (23)-(27), (34)-(36) be satisfied. If ( u 1 ,, u p + 1 ) is a fixed point of the operator , then the function u defined by (33) is a solution of problem (1)-(3) satisfying (22).

Proof Let be defined by (28) and Ω= B p + 1 . Further, let ( u 1 ,, u p + 1 ) Ω ¯ be such that F( u 1 ,, u p + 1 )=( u 1 ,, u p + 1 ). For each i{1,,p+1}, we have u i B ¯ , and hence by Lemma 9 and (31), there exists a unique solution τ i = P i u i of the equation t= γ i ( u i (t),, u i ( n 2 ) (t)). Due to (24), the inequalities a< τ 1 << τ p <b are valid and u can be defined by (33). We will prove that u is a fixed point of the operator from Theorem 4, taking the space PC n 1 ([a,b]) from Remark 3 with

t i = τ i ,i=1,,p.


τ 0 = a , τ p + 1 = b , I 1 = [ τ 0 , τ 1 ] , I 2 = ( τ 1 , τ 2 ] , I 3 = ( τ 2 , τ 3 ] , , I p + 1 = ( τ p , τ p + 1 ] ,

and choose i{1,,p+1}, t I i . Then, according to (33), we have

u ( t ) = u i ( t ) = k = 1 p + 1 I k g n ( t , s ) a n ( s ) h ( s , u k ( s ) , , u k ( n 1 ) ( s ) ) d s + j = 1 n ( i k p g j [ 1 ] ( t , τ k ) J k , j 1 ( u k ( τ k ) , , u k ( n 1 ) ( τ k ) ) + 1 k < i g j [ 2 ] ( t , τ k ) J k , j 1 ( u k ( τ k ) , , u k ( n 1 ) ( τ k ) ) ) + w ( t ) [ ( W ) ] 1 c 0 = k = 1 p + 1 I k g n ( t , s ) a n ( s ) h ( s , u ( s ) , , u ( n 1 ) ( s ) ) d s + j = 1 n ( i k p g j [ 1 ] ( t , τ k ) J k , j 1 ( u ( τ k ) , , u ( n 1 ) ( τ k ) ) + 1 k < i g j [ 2 ] ( t , τ k ) J k , j 1 ( u ( τ k ) , , u ( n 1 ) ( τ k ) ) ) + w ( t ) [ ( W ) ] 1 c 0 .

Of course we have

k = 1 p + 1 I k g n ( t , s ) a n ( s ) h ( s , u ( s ) , , u ( n 1 ) ( s ) ) ds= a b g n ( t , s ) a n ( s ) h ( s , u ( s ) , , u ( n 1 ) ( s ) ) ds.

Let kN be such that ikp. Then t τ i τ k and therefore (19) gives

g j [ 1 ] (t, τ k )= g j (t, τ k )for j=1,,n.

Let kN be such that 1k<i (such k exists only if i>1). Then t> τ i 1 τ k and therefore we get by (19)

g j [ 2 ] (t, τ k )= g j (t, τ k )for j=1,,n.

These facts imply that

i k p g j [ 1 ] ( t , τ k ) J k , j 1 ( u ( τ k ) , , u ( n 1 ) ( τ k ) ) + 1 k < i g j [ 2 ] ( t , τ k ) J k , j 1 ( u ( τ k ) , , u ( n 1 ) ( τ k ) ) = i k p g j ( t , τ k ) J k , j 1 ( u ( τ k ) , , u ( n 1 ) ( τ k ) ) + 1 k < i g j ( t , τ k ) J k , j 1 ( u ( τ k ) , , u ( n 1 ) ( τ k ) ) = k = 1 p g j ( t , τ k ) J k , j 1 ( u ( τ k ) , , u ( n 1 ) ( τ k ) ) ,

for j=1,,n. Consequently, by virtue of (16) and Theorem 4, u is a solution of problem (13)-(15). Clearly u fulfils equation (1) a.e. on [a,b] and satisfies the boundary conditions (3). In addition, since u fulfils the impulse conditions (14) with t i = τ i , where τ i = γ i ( u i ( τ i ),, u i ( n 2 ) ( τ i ))= γ i (u( τ i ),, u ( n 2 ) ( τ i )), i=1,,p, we see that u also fulfils the state-dependent impulse conditions (2). According to Remark 8, it remains to prove that τ 1 ,, τ p are the only instants at which the function u crosses the barriers γ 1 ,, γ p , respectively. To this aim, due to (24) and (33), it suffices to prove that

t γ i ( u i + 1 ( t ) , u i + 1 ( t ) , , u i + 1 ( n 2 ) ( t ) ) for t( τ i ,b],i=1,,p.

Choose an arbitrary i{1,,p} and consider σ from (29). Since u fulfils (2), we have

σ( τ i )=0.

Let us denote

ψ(t)= γ i ( u i + 1 ( t ) , u i + 1 ( t ) , , u i + 1 ( n 2 ) ( t ) ) t,t[a,b].

From Lemma 9 it follows that ψ is decreasing. So, by virtue of (38), it suffices to prove that

ψ( τ i )0.

Using (33), (2), and (27), we have

ψ ( τ i ) = γ i ( u i + 1 ( τ i ) , , u i + 1 ( n 2 ) ( τ i ) ) τ i = γ i ( u ( τ i + ) , , u ( n 2 ) ( τ i + ) ) τ i = γ i ( u ( τ i ) + J i 0 ( u ( τ i ) , , u ( n 1 ) ( τ i ) ) , , u ( n 2 ) ( τ i ) + J i , n 2 ( u ( τ i ) , , u ( n 1 ) ( τ i ) ) ) τ i γ i ( u ( τ i ) , , u ( n 2 ) ( τ i ) ) τ i = 0 ,

which yields (39). This completes the proof. □

Lemma 13 Let assumptions (4), (9), (23)-(27), (34)-(36) be satisfied. Then the operator from (37) has a fixed point in Ω ¯ .

Proof The last term ω(t) [ ( W ) ] 1 c 0 in (37) is the same as in (16) for the compact operator . Therefore it suffices to prove the compactness of the operator on Ω ¯ for c 0 =0. To do it we can use the same arguments as in the proof of Lemma 6 in [9], where the second-order state-dependent impulsive problem is investigated. In particular, the compactness of on Ω ¯ is a consequence of the following properties of functions and functionals contained in (37):

  • the first term in (37) can be written in the form

    k = 1 p + 1 τ k 1 τ k g n ( t , s ) h ( s , u k ( s ) , , u k ( n 1 ) ( s ) ) a n ( s ) d s = a b g n ( t , s ) k = 1 p + 1 h ( s , u k ( s ) , , u k ( n 1 ) ( s ) ) a n ( s ) χ ( τ k 1 , τ k ) ( s ) d s ,

where τ k = P k u k for k=1,,p, τ 0 =a, τ p + 1 =b,

  • P k are continuous on B ¯ (due to Lemma 10),

  • h ( t , x ) a n ( t ) Car([a,b]× R n ;R),

  • g j [ 1 ] , g j [ 2 ] satisfy (20), g n satisfies (19),

  • J k j are continuous on R n .

For the application of the Schauder Fixed Point Theorem it remains to prove that

F( Ω ¯ ) Ω ¯ .

Let ( x 1 ,, x p + 1 )=F( u 1 ,, u p + 1 ) for some ( u 1 ,, u p + 1 ) Ω ¯ . Then, by (21), (34), (35), and (37), we have

| x i ( r ) ( t ) | M max ν = 1 , 2 { C ν n r }+ j = 1 n k = 1 p max ν = 1 , 2 { C ν j r } A k , j 1 + D r

for i=1,,p+1, r=0,,n1, t[a,b]. From (36) we get

x i ( r ) K r ,i=1,,p+1,r=0,,n1,

and so F( u 1 ,, u p + 1 ) Ω ¯ . We have proved (40), and consequently there exists at least one fixed point of in Ω ¯ . □

Theorem 14 Let assumptions (4), (9), (23)-(27), (34)-(36) be satisfied. Then there exists at least one solution to problem (1)-(3) satisfying (22).

Proof The assertion follows directly from Lemma 12 and Lemma 13. □

Remark 15 The existence result from Theorem 14 can be extended to unbounded functions h and J i j by means of the method of a priori estimates. This can be found for the special case n=2 in [10].


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The authors were supported by the grant IGA_PrF_2014028. The authors sincerely thank the anonymous referees for their valuable comments and suggestions.

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Rachůnková, I., Tomeček, J. Existence principle for higher-order nonlinear differential equations with state-dependent impulses via fixed point theorem. Bound Value Probl 2014, 118 (2014).

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